Written by Brian Whipple, Program Manager of the WT Enterprise Center. For more information about the WT Enterprise Center visit www.IncubationWorks.com.
There has been a post or two about how LinkedIn Endorsements are not all that great. Like the post on INC about why LinkedIn endorsements will vanish.
I, like most people, thought LinkedIn endorsements were great at first, but now I realize that it is not much more than a lazy way of saying something nice. However, I don’t necessarily want to write another blog about why LinkedIn Endorsements are impersonal. Rather I want to take it to the next level.
This whole ordeal made me think about how I give verbal compliments (as opposed to virtual). Am I just giving lazy and impersonal complements and feedback? Or am I going out of my way to give well thought out complements that truly show my appreciation and gratitude?
LinkedIn has reminded me that the difference between the two is stark. It has been a great reminder to me, and I plan on changing for the better how I communicate to my teammates.