WT Enterprise Center Webinars:
Marketing Your Business During COVID-19
Handling COVID-19 as an Entrepreneur
Create Your 30-60-90 Day Strategy
Articles & Resources:
Harvard Business Review – 15 Questions About Remote Work, Answered
Leading Remotely: What Managers Need to Keep Teams Engaged
Existential Business Threat Flowchart
Department of Labor extended leave
Force Majeure Clause
Force majeure clauses are contractual provisions included in some agreements (primarily commercial/business agreements) that relieve one party in the contract of certain obligations if a certain condition makes performance impracticable, illegal, physically impossible. The phrase originated under French contract law, with the of the phrase “force majeure” being “superior force”. Usually, typical events that invoke force majeure provisions are: earthquake, war, fire, disease, flood, weather (referred to as ‘acts of God’) or terrorism, labor strikes, etc.
Typically, the courts will require:
1. clear and unambiguous language in the clause;
2. evidence that the force majeure act was unforeseeable;
3. show causation between the force majeure event and the resultant in ability to perform; and
4. and proof that the obligations could not be performed as a result.
Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program:
Small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives and some private nonprofit organizations that have suffered substantial economic injury due to COVID-19
may be eligible for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan of up to $2 million, which will provide the necessary working capital to help businesses survive
until normal operations resume after a disaster. Eligible businesses can submit a completed Economic Injury Worksheet to TDEMPARecovery@tdem.texas.gov.
SBA Disaster Assistance Program:
The SBA provides low-interest disaster loans to help businesses and homeowners recover from declared disasters. Apply Here
Facebook Small Business Grants Program:
Facebook for Business knows that your business may be experiencing disruptions resulting from the global outbreak of COVID-19. In the next few
weeks, they will be offering $100M in cash grants and ad credits to help businesses during this challenging time. To sign up for updates about the
program and when it will go live, visit www.facebook.com/business/grants.
Google for Small Business:
Google for Small Business is offering tips and resources to help your small business manage through uncertainty here.
McKinsey & Company:
Implications for business – This article is intended to provide business leaders with a perspective on the evolving situation and implications for their
Amarillo EDC Webpage for resources:
We at the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation, in partnership with the West Texas Small Business Development Center, WT Enterprise Center,
Workforce Solutions Panhandle, and the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce created a toolkit of business resources specific to the coronavirus (COVID-19)
outbreak to help you stay informed and make appropriate business decisions.
Amarillo Chamber of Commerce:
The chamber has compiled a working list of businesses in Amarillo offering delivery services, pick-up and curbside options, as well as, temporarily closed
Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund:
The Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund at Amarillo Area Foundation has been in place since 2006 and has been used numerous times to offer financial
assistance, especially from devastation due to wildfires. This week, AAF contributed $200,000 to the Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund. Our goal is to
help meet the challenges that this crisis has placed on nonprofits across the Panhandle, especially in at-risk communities.
Amarillo Entrepreneur Support Facebook Group:
This group is for entrepreneurs in the Amarillo and Texas Panhandle area who are looking for resources and support as you navigate the challenges and celebrate wins with other entrepreneurs who understand the journey. Resources and articles for COVID-19 are being shared in this group page.
WT Enterprise Center Resources:
email kyla@wtenterprisecenter.com or call (806) 374-9777
Virtual Strategy Sessions
Virtual 1:1 Office Hours
Access to resources/mentors
Upcoming webinars
Technology Resources:
Quickbooks online
Front App